We have a Vision.
42LF aims to contribute to the emergence of a new legal market, one that knows how to interact with the digital society and explore new business territories alongside client companies.

To achieve this, we have chosen to be Innovative Multidisciplinary Technological
We believe that technological innovation combined with the defense of rights is the missing link for truly contemporary legal advice.
Different experiences, different personalities, different perspectives help to look beyond with an unprecedented viewpoint, knowing how to imagine and find innovative and practically useful solutions to meet our clients’ needs.
We have 2 technological partners capable of developing digital solutions.
Often we are asked what that 42 in our brand means.
Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” is the spark that, with irony, managed to create the right vibrations among the partners of 42LF, resonating with our spirit of research, in the awareness that our microcosms are only a part of the possible, in the desire to explore beyond what is already seen starting from the known, seeking and finding answers with the courage of creativity.
This is how 42 LF was born.
42 is the Ultimate Answer provided by the megagalactic supercomputer Deep Thought to the Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything. If you are not satisfied with the answer, get us on the job.